Hypnosis is a relaxation method that allows YOU to access your amazing

subconscious mind where you can more effectively achieve goals. You create the

outcome you intend by changing your mind set and bypassing or eliminating

blocks. The following is your recipe for successful weight loss.

1 Part – Fed Up With Diets

1 Part – Intent

1 Part – Desire

1 Part – Motivation

1 Part – Imagination

A dash of self discipline

A great hypnotist!

Mix these ingredients together and POW! SUCCESS! The weight slips off your body,

you feel GREAT! If you get off track, simply mix another batch and WOW! It’s

easy to get back on track!

This recipe eliminates feeling deprived, eliminates the need for will power as

your main source of motivation and eliminates excuses.

Here’s how it works:

1 Part – Fed Up With Diets: Diets DON’T work. A diet starts, and as we all

know, diets ends. You may lose the weight and then you put it back on. That yoyo

dieting is terrible for your body and confuses your metabolism. That Monday

morning resolve, “I’m going to be good today”, only makes you feel bad about

yourself when it inevitably fails.

1 Part – Intent: A new year’s resolution is a good thing in that it creates

intent. No whining, complaining, or poor me stuff that you did all last year. A

strong intent is motivated by a desire to take care of your body because when

your body feels good, everything is better!

1 Part – Desire: If you care about yourself, you can dredge up some desire to

make changes to your body. Hmm, that new outfit would look great! Maybe you’ll

even be happy with your body. And if you think you’ll never be happy with your

body, then desire to be satisfied, content or accepting of your self.

1 Part – Motivation: OK, it’s true, there has to be some motivation to take off

weight. Motivation is the desire to let go of what you have been doing that

doesn’t work, to do something different. It’s best to be motivated for yourself,

but ft motivation happens because you are going on vacation or to a wedding, it

still works.

1 Part – Imagination: When you can “see” it in your mind, you can make it happen

in your life. A simple premise and a powerful one. Tapping into your imagination

makes weight loss easier, if not fun and effortless.

A Dash Of Self Discipline: When you were a child you were disciplined by your

parents. Follow the rules, do things a certain way, meet expectations, put off

gratification for a better goal. So tap into that training, or muster up the

self discipline that you have used tons of times when you created successes in

your life.

A Great Hypnotist: Everyone needs support and that is just what a hypnotist is.

Gently guiding you to create your positive body image, inspiring you to move

forward towards your goal and guiding you through the blocks that have been

holding you back. What a relief not to have to do it all on your own.

Two things are important for successful and long lasting weight loss. What you

put into your body and how much fat you burn. Hypnosis helps you gain control by

helping you to desire the foods that are fresh, clean and nutritionally

valuable. You change your eating habits easily and comfortably so you don’t

“feel” like eating the sugary, fatty foods that contributed to your weight gain.

You shift the fatty, sugary foods to the category of occasional foods but never

deprive yourself. You learn how to pay attention to your “I’m satisfied” body

signals. Once activated, you stop eating much earlier with less food. You

support your weight loss by burning off those layers of fat with exercise that

makes you feel good inside and out.

You also address emotional eating and begin to separate emotional hunger from

physical hunger. If you get off track for a day or so, you can easily get back

on track so that you do not put the weight back on.

Hypnosis supports general weight loss as well as helping those with obesity,

which is a common problem in our society and stems from old family programming

around food, years and years of food commercials and low self esteem. Gastro

bypass or lap band surgery is the current rage and it works! However the

struggle can still be there because the emotional issues remain when the

willpower and newness of the procedures wear off. Even after surgery, there is

still hard work to do. Old habits to change, and emotions to deal with.

Hypnosis makes this life changing event easier and more tolerable and allows you

to become comfortable with your “new image”.

© 2011, Hypnosis Concepts. Publication rights granted so long as article and

byline are reprinted intact, with all links made live.

Laurie Miller is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with more than twenty-eight

years of experience helping people overcome issues with their weight. Laurie

can help you with losing weight at her office in Orange County, California.

Make an appointment by calling 949-250-7355. If you live anywhere else you can

purchase her prerecorded hypnosis session “Release Weight” or a customized

hypnosis session on CD at http://hypnosisconcepts.com

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