BPA Warns Against

Baby ‘Bling’

     12 Dec 11

Recent news reports highlight the sales of potentially dangerous ‘bling’ baby soothers and other baby products such as feeding bottlesand the Baby Products Association (BPA) warns parents not to put their children at risk by purchasing such items, which are often sold on websites,  independent shops and market stalls.

Robert Anslow, managing director of the BPA comments: “These baby soothers and sometimes baby feeding bottles are manufactured by legitimate companies in accordance with the highest safety standards, but are then being adorned with glued on gems and beads by third party companies. The addition of ‘bling’ makes these products unsafe as the decorative pieces can easily fall off and cause choking if lodged in a child’s throat.

“While it may be tempting to purchase these products, particularly as they appeal to babies and toddlers as they sparkle and look fun, there are strict safety standards which prevent labels and decorations being stuck onto dummies for very good reason.  The addition of such decorations causes grave concern for the safety of the babies and young children for whom they are intended.”

Anyone caught selling ‘bling’ dummies or bottles could face fines of up to £20,000 and parents who come across such items are urged to call Consumer Direct on 0845 040506.