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Keep Cystitis At Bay The Natural Way
29 Nov 11

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Most common in women, it is estimated that 20% of women in the UK, primarily between the ages of 20 and 56, will suffer from cystitis, and each year 5% of women attend their family doctor because of urinary tract infections.  It is already well documented that drinking Ocean Spray cranberry juice may help prevent urinary tract infections and now there is a new 100% pure juice from cranberry experts Ocean Spray that has no added sugar or artificial sweeteners or additives, making it a clear winner for those pre-disposed to cystitis.  New Ocean Spray 100% Juice Cranberry Blend is the first ever naturally sweetened with other fruit juices Cranberry Juice available in the UK so you get all the unadulterated benefits of cranberry but without the tartness.

As a result of all the scientific research over the last two decades Ocean Spray now have a greater understanding of how cranberry works to help reduce the risk of cystitis.  We know that cranberries contain proanthocyanidins (PACs). These are naturally occurring compounds found in many fruits and vegetables.  But the PACs found in cranberries have a unique structure – they possess bacterial anti-adhesion properties that work, most notably, in the urinary tract but which have also been found to work in other parts of the body too.  Ocean Spray Cranberry juice works by coating the lining of the urinary tract so that bacteria find it difficult to stick, and if they can’t stick it means they can’t multiply and cause an infection.

Researchers have found that drinking two glasses of Ocean Spray cranberry juice (250ml) twice daily, one in the morning and again in the evening, will provide round the clock protection against infection.  With Ocean Spray’s new 100% Juice Cranberry Blend you can protect against cystitis without worrying about added sugar, artificial sweeteners or preservatives.  And one delicious 250ml serving in the morning will also provide you with one of the all important 5 a day as well as 100% of your RDA of Vitamin C.

You can find Ocean Spray’s new 100% Juice, Cranberry Blend in Asda stores nationwide. RRP is £1.75 for a 1 litre carton, which you can find in the long-life juice aisle.

For more information and to hear all the latest news, recipes and special offers straight from the cranberry fields visit or join the farmers on